Monday, June 30, 2008

Shoe love

Here are my FAVORITE pair of shoes in all of their old, ratty glory. I've had them for 4 years and I love summer because that means that I get to wear them all the time. But I think it's time for a new pair. I can't decide what kind to get - backstrap or not, the flip flop kind, triple strap, pattern or plain?? There are just too many choices for me...if I could, I would buy several different kinds and be done, but this summer, only one pair is in the budget. Nevertheless I can't wait to get a new pair wear them to shreds too.... On Saturday, we went to the local blueberry festival and left the house with only $10 in cash - it was $7 to park and no ATM so we wandered around, longing for blueberry smoothies, cake, anything...but to appease the girls we got a bag of kettle corn. It's funny because that stuff is all over the place - when you go to festivals of this kind in Germany, France etc.. you can get the exact same stuff. Must be because it's good...even Paige thinks so.


Sarah said...

Oooh I love favorite pairs of shoes that you wear until they die! Summer is the best time for great shoes, sandals, flip flops, etc...

Heather said...

Haven't you had that had that same pair of shoes a little bit longer than just four years? Like since high school? They look very familiar to me.